Topical Expert Groups

An important and valuable aspect of COMNAP is to allow exchange of information between National Antarctic Program staff on a range of relevant topics. This is done by way of our Expert Groups. Our Current Topical Expert Groups are:

Photo: Antarctica New Zealand

Photo: Antarctica New Zealand


Advancing Critical Technologies​

Expert Group Leader: ​Özgün Oktar

Oversight EXCOM members: Pavel Kapler & Wendy Rubio

Terms of reference:

  • Develop goals and provide guidance on the development of energy management practices with a view to reducing environmental impacts and reliance on fossil fuels.

  • Monitor and identify emerging technologies that may have an impact on activity in Antarctica and report to COMNAP at the annual meeting.

  • Keep a watching brief on the Antarctic Roadmap Challenges outcomes.

  • Exchange information on best practice and technologies.

Photo: British Antarctic Survey

Photo: British Antarctic Survey


Air Operations
- includes the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Working Group

Expert Group Co-Leaders: Rod Arnold & Sven Lidström

Oversight EXCOM member: Michelle Rogan-Finnemore

Terms of reference:

  • Continue to review and discuss best practice in regards to air operations, in support of improving safety of air operations in Antarctica.

  • Share and discuss operational experience and information on new technology related to Antarctic air operations and associated communication, navigation, the avoidance of mutual interference, and contingency response.

  • Review the air transport aspects of international cooperation in Antarctic science and support.

  • Continue to review developments in the use of existing or additional air links, and the use of blue ice or compacted snow landing sites.

  • Through the RPA-WG, reduce risk to people, infrastructure and environment in the Antarctic Treaty area, while enabling, in situations where allowed, RPA use in the area for scientific applications and science support purposes.

Photo: M. Wolfe, US National Science Foundation (NSF)

Photo: M. Wolfe, US National Science Foundation (NSF)


Education, Outreach & Training

Expert Group Leader: Andrea Peña Aguirre

Oversight EXCOM members: Wendy Rubio

Terms of reference:

  • Exchange information, views and ideas about education, outreach and communication within COMNAP.

  • Promote mutual understanding on education, outreach and communication activities and facilitate partnerships.

  • Work with relevant organizations in developing activities of mutual interest.

  • Enhance the content of the Members Only area by sharing publications, policies, procedures and best practice.

Photo: KOPRI

Photo: KOPRI


Environmental Protection

Expert Group Leader: Andrew Titmus

Oversight EXCOM members: TBA

Terms of reference:

  • Share National Antarctic Program expertise on approaches to minimizing the environmental impacts associated with operations and science support activities.

  • Review the work of the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings and its Committee for Environmental Protection to identify and engage on developments of relevance to operators.

  • Identify co-operative programs of scientific, technical and educational value that concern the protection of the Antarctic environment [Madrid Protocol, Article 6].

  • Understand sources of plastic in the Antarctic environment, support research on this and work towards removal/reduction of introduction of plastics, including micro-plastics, into the environment.

Photo: A. Haidashou, Belarus Antarctic Expedition

Photo: A. Haidashou, Belarus Antarctic Expedition


Joint Expert Group on Human Biology and Medicine (JEGHBM)​

Expert Group Leader/Chief Officer: Giichiro Ohno

Oversight EXCOM members: Antonio Quesada & Michelle Rogan-Finnemore

Select terms of reference:

  • This is a joint group of SCAR and COMNAP.

  • The Group will work with SCAR and COMNAP to further international cooperation and will work to improve healthcare in Antarctica and to facilitate human health and well-being in this environment. The group will propose relevant areas of interest to SCAR and COMNAP.

  • The Group will work to encourage the development of regional networks to foster international cooperation. Networks may arrange meetings, inviting members to attend.

  • The Group will meet as required to present research findings (usually in association with the SCAR Open Science Conference or the COMNAP Annual General Meeting) and / or to work cooperatively on a particular task or area of interest.

Photo: Kronprins Haakon Norwegian Polar Institute

Photo: Kronprins Haakon Norwegian Polar Institute


Marine Platforms

Expert Group Leader: Miguel Ojeda

Oversight EXCOM member: TBA

Terms of reference:

  • Share National Antarctic Program expertise on marine science support.

    • Create synergies amongst programs on marine research topics in Antarctica.

    • Identify co‐operative programs of scientific or technical matters that concern vessels managed from programs.

    • Facilitate cooperation between programs in the support of marine research.

  • Share National Antarctic Programs’ facilities and infrastructures information.

    • Enable programs to show their capacities to facilitate marine science (research ships, marine observatories, etc).

    • Share experiences and lessons learned in marine operations (protocols, guidance, etc).

    • Identify and advise on new technologies in marine science support (navigation, research equipment, vehicles (ROV, AUV, gliders), remote sensing, etc).

  • Report and advance relevant issues regarding ships and safety in navigation.

    • Extend knowledge on health, safety & environment.

    • Facilitate cooperation and coordination in marine Search and Rescue (SAR) operations.

    • Assess and evaluate relevant recommendations and measures in regards to maritime and navigation issues.

  • Advise and inform all Members on maritime and marine science issues arising from the Antarctic Treaty System.

  • Create synergies with other COMNAP Expert Groups, especially the Science Facilitation Expert Group.

Photo: Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)

Photo: Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI)



Expert Group Leader: Gen Hashida

Oversight EXCOM members: Oliver Darke

​​Terms of reference:

Safety of human life is of fundamental importance to COMNAP and COMNAP Member and Observer National Antarctic Programs.

  • ​​Share and review safety, contingency planning and emergency policies and practices used in Antarctica.

  • Advance discussion and provide leadership on constant improvement in coordination and response in the event of a SAR incident.

  • Work with all COMNAP Expert Groups on common safety issues.

  • Consider safety initiatives that would benefit all National Programs.​

This Expert Group includes a focus to prevent harassment in the Antarctic, to concentrate on well-being and to acknowledge, confirm and support equity, diversity and inclusion in all Antarctic activities.

This Expert Group works closely with the Rescue Coordination Centers that have responsibility for coordination and response related to a region of the Antarctic Treaty Area.

Photo: RS67194- Walking at South Masson Range © Matt Williams

Photo: RS67194- Walking at South Masson Range © Matt Williams


Science Facilitation

Expert Group Leader: Yan Ropert-Coudert

Oversight EXCOM member: Antonio Quesada

Terms of reference:

  • Keep under review the COMNAP Antarctic Roadmap Challenges outcomes in order to advance and promote the needs of the Antarctic research community of today and into the future.

  • Screen science community for “big collaborative“ programs (including SOOS, IPICS, RINGS, YOPP, etc.) and advance, within COMNAP, our understanding of the science support needs of those programs and how we may lead facilitation of, and respond to, identified needs.

  • Identify areas of logistics support, which can be facilitated jointly by National Antarctic Programs.

  • Lookout for and identify projects on the horizon, share that advanced information with COMNAP Members.

  • Where any of those projects rely on COMNAP action and support, propose “endorsement” of that project through the COMNAP EXCOM.

  • Identify logistics capabilities, which may be used jointly in the future (e.g. availability of tractor trains, station and vessel capacity, field activities in areas that are rarely accessed or are not traditionally accessed during certain times of the year).

  • Collect and share examples of past and present collaborative projects including lessons learned.

  • Create synergies with other COMNAP Expert Groups, especially the Advancing Critical Technologies and Marine Platforms Expert Groups.